Friday, July 29, 2016

This election will be very difficult for men in America

I watched Bill Clinton as he watched his daughter and then his wife give their speeches last night. He was okay with his daughter's speech but was emotionally unprepared for his wife's speech. Like many men he is putting up a brave face but it is unnatural for men his age or mine to vote for a woman president.

We didn't grow up today. We grew up when if you couldn't fight in public school, often you were beat up or even died. Yes. intelligence mattered then like now. But, in the end you defending yourself any way you could and sometimes you might wind up in the hospital or dead because of defending yourself. This wasn't a world where women had much chance of defending themselves if they didn't have a defender.

So, for many men over 50 years of age, voting for a woman president will be completely unnatural. They might do it anyway because look at the alternative. But, somehow even then they might feel they have left the nation unprotected. It's more instinctual than anything else. Women aren't or weren't trained to fight and give their lives for their country like boys were when I grew up. Even now, most boys aren't taught to think like this like I was. We were allowed to fight sometimes even in school and to say terrible things to each other and to girls and the like. This sort of behavior often wasn't stopped at all.

So, we grew up in a very different world than now where to be gay might be to be beat up and put into the hospital or killed or that person might one day in high school just might commit suicide. This has all changed now, but those of us over 50 still remember this world and voting for a woman feels strange in this context.

I have no doubt at all that Hillary will be a good president. But, I worry that some men might not be grown up enough to vote for her and be healthy enough psychologically and emotionally to do that.

I will vote for Hillary just because there is no other sane alternative. But, if a better alternative were a man and available even I wouldn't vote for her now. This is the reality for men over 50 who likely are the most likely demographic to actually vote in this election nationwide because they tend to be more responsible in this way than almost any other group.

Also, Bill Clinton is likely going to be called "First Laddie" if she actually is elected. I'm not sure I would want this title either.

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