Monday, August 22, 2016

Climate Change is a war we are fighting against ourselves

I was reading about farmers commiting suicide in India right now from the drought caused by climate change. About ten years ago farmers in Australia were also killing themselves from the drought then. When droughts go longer than 3 to 5 years farmers wherever they are start killing themselves because they see no financial way forward and if they die often their families do not owe the money only they do. So, suicide often is a way to not leave financial burdens upon their families even though their farmlands, now useless and homes may be gone too.

Likely this will get much worse around the world in the coming decades and millions of poor people will either die from the heat or just not have water or food to eat and be gone.

We are at a time when poor people will either migrate to better places to live or they just won't live at all more and more around the world. However, most people only know what they know and if that is gone they die often. So, it is usually only the young who are free in their minds to move to hopefully someplace better.

So, because of Global Warming and climate change you will see more and more of the over 30 and under age 15 groups dying who are poor and more of the 15 to 30 group leaving and trying to find a better climate and better life somewhere else doing something else so they and their children can better survive the future.

So, there will be this slow northward migration of the poor who want to survive Global Warming and global Climate change and the rest will slowly die. And south of the equator we likely will also see the slow southward (or northward) migration to some degree there too. I expect even the south Pole and Antarctica will grow grapes and food eventually, even though it doesn't usually rain or snow there now. I'm not sure why this is the case other than temperature.

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