Friday, August 19, 2016

How Putin IS or MAY conquer all of Europe

  1. Putin first of all was trained in Machiavellian thought as a young KGB officer in the Soviet Union. So, he is an actual genius regarding Machiavellian thought.

    Machiavellian Personality |

  1. How to Understand Machiavellianism: 12 Steps
    How to Understand Machiavellianism. Machiavellianism is a political theory and one of the dark triad of personality traits, in psychology, based on the teachings of ...
  2. Machiavellian - definition of Machiavellian by The...
    Ma·chi·a·vel·li·an (măk′ē-ə-vĕl′ē-ən) adj. 1. Of or relating to Machiavelli or Machiavellianism. 2. Suggestive of or characterized by expediency ...
  3. Niccolò Machiavelli - Wikipedia, the free...ò_Machiavelli
    Machiavellian. Cesare Borgia, used as an example of a successful ruler in The Prince. Machiavelli is most famous for a short political treatise, ... 

    So, what is happening is Machiavellian in the nth degree.

    Let's start with playing chicken with nuclear weapons. Putin is a master at this. Most other countries aren't willing to risk Global Thermonuclear annihilation in this. But he is. So, right off the bat we know that Putin is a risk taker like no other ruler of a superpower or near superpower on earth. The only similar rhetoric actually might be coming out of North Korea but no one actually believes what they say. Putin is a different story because he actually does what he says which is why most Russians love him.

    How is Putin presently conquering Europe?

    HE is causing the refugee problem from Syria to get worse and worse. By helping Assad and Iran he is destroying stability in europe by introducing millions of Sunni Refugees escaping genocide by Assad, Iran and Putin.

    So, by doing exactly what he is doing right now he is conquering Europe.

    What do I mean?

    What I mean is he is causing the destabilization of all Social Democratic European governments. He is forcing them to become more dictatorial and fascist. When they become fascist from too many refugees in Europe he can then swoop in and "RESCUE" the people with his brand of solution or he can just swoop in as the confusion in Europe over Sunni Refugees and terrorists just gets worse and worse from everything Putin and Iran and Assad are doing.

    This is the reality Europe faces today. 

    It is important that everyone on earth sees this and figures out an appropriate response.

    The present troop buildup next to Ukraine is a part of this plan to take over all of Europe by Putin one way or another and make it a part of the Russian Empire.

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