Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Time Lines are Changing

Why are they doing this?

I'm thinking that Security forces in governments around the world are freaking out about what is happening on earth. So, this likely is the reason the time lines are changing.

However, I think if too many people are changing time lines from too many governments at once it is probably not going to be good, just mostly confusing for everyone.

However, I understand. Because what's going on is pretty crazy on multiple levels at once. So, it is an unknown where things will be at about 1 year from now as a result.

But, if you ask me whether the changes would be good or bad I think I could only say both. But, the result likely will just be a whole lot of people sort of saying at night when they sleep "What?"

Because most of the familiar things they are used to won't be what they expect.

People sort of need to be comforted when they sleep with peaceful healing dreams. You might still get this away from big cities way out in the country but in cities it just might make people more nuts than they already are.

And I don't think mood altering drugs of the Prosac and other classes will be very useful either in this new world we are moving into.

So, for balance I would recommend moving to the country where it is still beautiful if you can. Because nature (and a good diet) likely can heal you better than anything else during these times.

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