Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Problem with the whole civil rights problem is that the 1964 Equal Rights Amendment only really works in times of plenty(like 1964)

When times are less plenty (like since 2001) White people especially mostly take care of their own because there aren't enough jobs to go around. NO amount of laws can really change that because when times get bad equal rights laws actually are not enforced that well. So, until enough black people nationwide have their own infrastructure business wise enough to give jobs to all or most black people the present problems are going to persist.

It is all really quite logical in the end even if very very cruel. Black people in bad times are routinely shut out of good jobs because White people give those jobs to their kids. This forces many black people to either stay on welfare or resort to selling drugs or committing crimes to get ahead. This is the real problem for Both Black and White people in the U.S. It is much better than it was in the 1950s or 1960s except there just aren't enough good jobs to go around. This also makes police trust black people as a group less because of this dynamic too. This also makes Black people hate white people more.

So, if you see all this as a very unfortunate dynamic it is easier to deal with (at least in theory) but in reality it is actually "Hell" for everyone. Because almost no one unless they are naturally cruel really wants anyone to be shut out of a good job of any race.

But, this is the actual reality of the situation and not politically correct at all.

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