Thursday, October 13, 2016

For those of you horrified at Trump's support still after latest revelations

What is important to know is that political correctness drives most people to anger and maybe one day to violence.

So, think of it this way, half of the population of the U.S. doesn't like political correctness because it is crazy to them and destroys the way they see the world. So, political correctness destroys the world they prefer to live in.

What is political correctness?

It is forcing people to accept a theoretical world that is a fairy tale to most people still around the world.

What is good about political correctness?

What might be good about political correctness is less people will die from racism or sexism. What also might be good is less Gay people and black people might be killed.

However, if you force people to behave differently against their better judgement you also create a backlash of hate. So, to be polite people will appear to be politically correct in a similar way people don't talk about UFOS because in the past people died and disappeared by the government when they talked about real ufo experiences.

So, political correctness to me is a lot like UFOs in our culture. IF you say what you really believe you can lose your job, or go to jail so people are polite because they want to keep their jobs and to go to college or to teach at colleges around the country.

But, for most people it is all a lie and everyone knows this. Nothing has really changed. UFOs still exist, people have prejudices still in racist, ethnic and sexist ways, it's just they are not allowed to talk about their true feelings anymore.

So, the latest permutation of all this is despite Trump being a serial sexual assaultist on women and likely guilty of rape in this sense in many states there are people so upset with the world that they don't care because Trump is against political correctness and so are they.

So, to them, Trump is refreshing and honest because they believe something different than political correctness.

I see political correctness also as the downfall of this nation because of the world's prejudices. So, political correctness is a reason for nations to militarily attack the U.S. like Russia and China who don't want to give up their prejudices.

However, I also see Trump as both dangerous and insane and in league with a foreign power through Putin. So,because of all these things Trump is the single most dangerous presidential candidate in my entire lifetime since 1948.

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