Friday, October 14, 2016

From the Aleutian Islands on down the coast of Alaska, Canada, Washington, Oregon and California to San Diego there are weather alerts now

I don't think I have ever seen before this many alerts over this long a distance from the Aleutian Islands all the way to San Diego along the coast. From Hurricane force wind warnings to high wind warnings from the Aleutians and on inland at least as far as Las Vegas or deeper into the country.

They say this is the worst storm of it's kind since 2006. I can believe it just looking at all the alerts and small craft warnings and hurricane force wind warnings so far.

It has felt a lot like hawaii with very warm humid temperatures like one might experience from a tropical storm or hurricane. When I have seen pictures this thing it looks a lot like a hurricane the way it looks on a map and yet the water isn't warm enough for it truly to be that but the air definitely is.

I guess I turned on the earthquake alerts too which seem too many for the Los Angeles Area. This doesn't seem normal to have this many 2.8 down to 1.8 earthquakes either. However, I could be wrong. This many quakes is more normal in northern California at locations like San Juan Batista and other locations but not as much for southern California.

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