Wednesday, October 26, 2016

This is how crazy the Internet can be

Recently, my daughter in another country was talking to me and my wife and they decided to have a private conversation (girl talk) for a few minutes so I went to the bathroom while they did this in another part of our home. Then, my daughter in another country texted me through What's App to tell me to come back into the other room back to Skype on our computer. Think about this for a moment?

It was easier for My daughter overseas in another country to text me on my phone to come back to the computer to continue our skype conversation than have my wife walk over to me and talk to me and tell me this was true.

Because of laptop computers, IPhones and Ipads and the like space has been completely annihilated in ways no one could have imagined about 15 or 20 years ago. You might not think this is a big thing.

But, imagine in 1970 when my two college age friends and myself (then all college age) went to Mt. Shasta in the winter without checking the weather reports and started snowshoeing to horse camp at night with flashlights. If we had had a smart phone (any brand) we likely would have seen the weather coming on it or have been able to call for help instead of getting caught in a snow blizzard white out, almost freezing to death in a snow cave we dug because we couldn't barely see our hands in front of our faces so didn't know exactly where we were. Then we got into our snow cave we dug in emergency with our snow shoes without a tent or ground cloth and just sleeping bags (we thought we were going to get to Horse Camp an emergency Sierra Club shelter then) so we hadn't brought ground cloths or tents. As a result when we dug out the next morning it was 20 degrees Fahrenheit, luckily our Levi jeans froze solid except at the knees instead of us freezing to death and provided enough insulation so we didn't freeze to death and we all survived this ordeal, (even though all my joints hurt for several years from convulsive shaking all night long in the snow cave (But, a snow cave can go up to 50 degrees (The air) instead of us just freezing to death in the wind and snow of the blizzard. (The best way to heat a snow cave by the way is by a candle). You take a glove off and receive the heat through your hands if you are careful without burning yourselves.) But, we didn't have anything like this at the time.

So, imagine having just one smart phone and not having to go through all this?

Now, multiply all the events that didn't kill people just because of smart phones worldwide. Multiply people surviving by 5 billion at least.

The world has really changed just in knowledge available to survive more things in the moment worldwide.

So, even though Global Warming will kill some people, the people with smartphones who know how to use them might find shelter from storms or get rescued in time to save their lives.

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