Thursday, October 13, 2016

To most of the world Political Correctness is seen as a threat to their ways of life

What is good about Political correctness here in the United States?

For one thing, people from all over the world who would literally kill each other where they came from can live in peace here in the U.S. This is one of the positive actions here in the U.S. from political correctness.

But, to most of the world Political correctness is viewed as a type of warfare upon their ways of life.

So, despite the good political correctness does you have to realize to many people "Them's fighting words".

So, it is not therefore surprising that Muslim Terrorists come to the U.S. to kill the Great Satan because we are the main advocate along with Europe of political Correctness worldwide.

So, 12th century cultural Muslim thought is pitted against 21st century political correctness in the form of warfare of all kinds. Also, one of the bigger problems we are having with Russia is the same thing. Because generally speaking Russia is a lot now like the U.S. was in the 1950s in regard to political correctness.

So, one of the reasons Russia has reasons to be against the U.S. in Warfare is it is against political correctness. 50 years from now, however, they might be much like the U.S. is now in political correctness.We will just have to see where this all goes.

So,  I guess what I'm saying is creating a Star Trek like world of equality all over the earth might be several hundred years away, if ever.

In the meantime we need to expect cultural or actual wars as different groups fight over all this worldwide.

So, though possibly 500 years from now the battle for equality between the sexes and all races getting along with each other as well as all ethnicities might actually happen; for now this just isn't happening most places outside of the U.S. and Europe and a few other places and on college campuses worldwide.

So, though you might not want to see it this way: Political correctness is a form of psychological warfare foisted on the rest of the planet in order to help people get along so we don't all just nuke each other out of existence as a human race.

However, the other side of this is if we are all so nice to each other that we overpopulate the world then we all die from overopulation too through genocide which is what overpopulation eventually brings.

We see this genocide beginning even now in our ghettos through gangs even here in the U.S. already.

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