Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Living in a "Timeless" World

You don't know something until the moment you know it.

This is what it is like living in a world without time.

How can one live in a world without time?

We all do we just might not know it.

Time is malleable and is changing around us all the time.

What we think is real isn't really what we should hang onto at all.

If you want something solid look to your immortal soul and the immortal souls of your family, friends and all you meet in life.

Nothing else is really real and so mostly is a waste of time.

Because the past, the present and the future are constantly changing.

We have our memories, our relatives and our friends.

This is all that's real.

History is changing even as you read this.

Time is changing even as you read this.

There are many time lines not just the one you and I are on.

So, hang onto your souls because that is all that's real here in the end.

By God's Grace

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