Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Men in Black is funny but is actually closer to the way things really are than you might think

What do you do when you know people cannot handle the actual truth?

Usually, like children you don't tell them the truth.

I would say about 25% of the educated experienced people on earth could actually handle the truth and maybe up to and including 40% total of the rational educated adults could handle the truth if it was relayed to them in a way their belief systems might deal with. But, the rest would just have a psychotic break because the truth cannot be explained by their religion or belief system and would run amok.

So, governments often deny the truth to keep the 60% to 75% from ending all civilizations on earth.

It's sort of the same thing when you teach kids not to kill themselves when their mother or father or relative or friend dies unexpectedly because of some religious premise or another. Then that religious premise or another doesn't allow for other groups of beings in the past, present or future who might live on other planets or in the future of earth the past of earth or literally any other possibility.

What do you do then?

It becomes very problematic. So, you don't tell people the truth and maintain thereby the quaintness of earth so it is sort of a Galactic Disneyland of sorts for those who visit here.

This is how things really are here on earth.

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