Thursday, January 12, 2017

As Overpopulation and Fake News destroys Democracies one by one

If I were to analyze what is causing ISIS and 9 to 12 million refugees or more in the Middle East and all the chaos now in Europe as well, it is first overpopulation (where there isn't enough land to grow enough food for people in the Middle East and there isn't enough potable water for them to drink locally either.

This dynamic isn't as much of a problem in nations with oil reserves like Libya and Saudi Arabia and Iraq and Iran and Kuwait.

However, it is devastating in places like Syria and Yemen.

When you add fake news to these places because of starvation and a lack of jobs and money to buy food you just create complete chaos. So, fake news is rampant everywhere now and used to cause mayhem wherever people are in the middle east and Europe.

Also, expect fake news to impact Angela Merkel's re-election in some way in Germany now too.

But, the underlying cause of the threats to all European and North American democracies is the overpopulation in the Middle East causing so many refugees now more than at any time since World War II composing of mostly Sunni Muslims driven out of Syria on threat of death by Assad, Iran and Russia.

The problem with so many refugees caused primarily by overpopulation and lack of birth control in the Middle East is that when they come to places like Europe it is too much of a "Culture Shock" for most culturally uneducated middle Easterners. This can only cause conflicts of one kind or another and for some the divide is just too great and they become violent at such a different cultural continuity that they are not used to in their home countries.

So, as more refugees move to Europe violence of them on local European populations must be expected by 1% to 5% of the refugees who cannot adapt or will not adapt to European cultures.

Since North America in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico and Central and South America is so close culturally to Europe this also affects the whole Western Hemisphere to a greater or lesser degree.

So, the refugee problem now in Europe is also harming North, South and Central America too.

And this in turn could destroy democracies starting but not ending with European democracies.

I think you need to watch the most vulnerable financial democracies first because this might be where harm or the end of these democracies might begin.

If one falls it might create a ripple effect through all of Europe through the failing banks of any one European democracy and thereby cause ripple effects and problems throughout the world.

Therefore, one too big to fail European banking system in any one country would be theoretically enough to bring down all European democracies if this was left to happen unchecked.

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