Sunday, January 15, 2017

NPR program about Trump's constant Lying

I was listening to a program talking about how Trump lies so much that everyone just expects him to lie. Now, politicians all lie some but they tend to do it in a completely covert way where you cannot distinguish the lies always unless you are really sharp and well studied and observant.

So, Trump lies with everything he says all the time so you can't believe ANYTHING he says. They were saying how this is a tactic used by Russians in the past as well as some dictators to confuse the shit out of people.

So, people in third world countries and in Russia are used to people like Trump who actually are NEVER telling the truth about ANYTHING.

So, they were saying how "This is who is going to be inaugurated president next week!"

And how long can our democracy have a president like this?

I figure about 2 weeks to two months if we are lucky and we just have to hope Trump doesn't nuke the shit out of someplace like North Korea in the meantime.

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