Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Republicans are totally screwed if they don't replace Obamacare with Trumpcare now

For years Republicans have screamed "Repeal!"

But, 80% of Americans are saying "Replace" (it with something better then)!

IF Republicans fail in any way in this to create something much better than Obamacare after all their promises and screaming they are totally screwed and now they know it.

People have gotten used to Obamacare keeping people with life threatening issues from going bankrupt along with all the members of their families in order to stay alive. People have gotten used to keeping their children until age 26 on Obamacare through college and maybe a little beyond.

And now they aren't going to settle for anything less!

Now they are going to expect even more!

Otherwise, why are the Republicans repealing Obamacare in the first place and replacing it with Trumpcare?

So, either way now Obama and Teddy Kennedy who worked all these years for this will be happy.

Because it doesn't matter what it is called as long as it covers everyone and works and is affordable to all in all 50 states!

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