Wednesday, February 15, 2017

crazy wars

The above article is one of the top ten articles in the last 30 days at my website here. It is one of what I consider the "Crazy Wars" the U.S. or the Soviet Union fought during the Cold War.

For example, why was the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the first place? I don't really know because if you study history (no one has ever conquered Afghanistan EVER and held the place in thousands of years!

So, why would the Soviet Union or the U.S. for that matter wage war there?

But, if you watch the movie "Charlie Wilson's War" you have the true story of how the Afghanistan war Bankrupted the Soviet Union by sending stinger type missiles to Osama Bin Laden and other Mujahadeen fighting the Soviets so instead of using fighters and helicopters just blowing away civilians right and left the Mujahadeen just dropped Jet fighters and Military helicopters and tanks right and left. So much Soviet Hardware was destroyed that it basically bankrupted the old Soviet Union along with what Saudi Arabia did to the price of oil at that time sort of like what they are doing to oil prices the last few years as well.

But, if you look at wars like the Soviet Afghanistan war or the Viet Nam War (for oil) by the U.S. and all the soldiers who died both Soviet and U.S. in those two wars they make no sense at all. It's just crazy both wars.

Why the U.S. is in Afghanistan now makes more sense because of 9-11 but we must realize Afghanistan is never going to be conquered by anyone ever really because these people don't give up because they are tough.

But, the Soviets in Afghanistan and the U.S. in Viet Nam was just insane because what was gained in either war and so much was lost by both countries?

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