Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Explaining my experiencee of the past, present and future

We are living right now with certain attitudes and biases, but I also remember the attitudes and biases I grew up with and how I was brainwashed as a child, as were all children on earth when I grew up and strangely enough we are all still being brainwashed today with political correctness which is very different than the brainwashing I received in public school and on TV as I was growing up.

One of the most important things to realize is every country and every area brainwashes it's youth and this is something you have to deal with especially if you are going to travel to other countries. You must be very careful what you say in other countries so you just don't wind up dead or worse.

Beyond that, I remember lifetimes in the past, present and future and attitudes are as different than my brainwashed attitudes of the 1950s and 1960s and how children are brainwashed today by public schools, private schools Television and media of all kinds as well as friends relatives, churches etc worldwide.

So, when I write I'm trying to share just how different the past, present and future really is than most people expect it to be say, in the future. The past is very different than now also because like even when I was growing up most people I met had not even finished high school and many people hadn't even finished Grade School. My grandmother, for example was born in 1888 and since they could not teach dyslexic children then at all, she was taken out of school in the 3rd grade in Philadelphia to raise her brothers and sisters. So, you can imagine all the hell of not having teachers that could actually teach you ANYTHING because you were a different learner. Public Schools Still today are worse than useless for dyslexics too by the way. They are usually just passed not knowing what the hell is going on because funding is not available to teach dyslexics still in public schools today either and most public school teachers are ignorant of this terrible fact because if they spoke up about it they would be fired.

So, as I write of the deep past, present and future I'm trying to share some of the universal quality of being alive in ANY age but also some of the differences.

Also, I'm trying to demonstrate that time is constantly changing in the past, present and future from Time Changers like in the TV Program "Timeless" which is representative of what is actually going on from Earth. But, in addition to this there are Time Lords of Earth thousands of years into the past, into the present and millions of years into the future. There are Solar System Time Lords who oversee them, there are Galactic Time Lords who oversee them and then there are even multi-Galactic Time Lords who oversee them so this whole thing just goes up the chain.

For example, in some instances the Galaxy prevents wars between planets by sending planets or space travelers into different times so civilizations on different planets don't fight with each other.

So, Galaxies have ways of preventing major wars and competitions between Galactic Civilizations in this way.

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