Wednesday, February 22, 2017

How President Trump is Trampling Precedent

Begin quote from page 9 of Time Magazine Feb. 6th 2017.

"How President Trump is Trampling Precedent" by Phillip Elliott and Zeke J. Miller

The old Washington adage of "Watch what we do, not what we say" is hard to apply to someone as serially outrageous as Donald Trump. But for all his untethered pronouncements about voter fraud and crowd size and media bias, it as President Trump's brisk succession of executive actions that probably defined the opening of his presidency.

Small-government conservatives have deplored the use and overuse of Executive Orders since the Clinton Era, but Trump has figured out at least this much about the office he now holds: if you want to do anything quickly in Washington, you have to do it yourself.

And so he set about building a wall, restarting pipelines, killing trade deals and targeting so-called Sanctuary cities and Obamacare.

Overall, the momentum was the message. Trump met with CEOs to talk about jobs and with Detroid automakers to talk about onshoring factories and touted upcoming visits from leaders of UK, Israel and Mexico. And perhaps nothing signaled that Washington had a new boss like his decision on Jan. 23rd to remove the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-nation free-trade pact that the U.S. had championed through years of negotiation.

Health Care

On January 20th Trump signed an Executive Order that takes aim at the Affordable care Act by directing federal agencies to begin preparing to unwind the law. The move comes as complaints about rising premiums and out-of-pocket deductibles have put the law under more intense scrutiny. But if Republicans on Capitol Hill are keen to repeal the law in it's entirety, they aren't anywhere close to agreement about what, if anything to replace it.

end quote on page 10 of the time magazine listed at the top.

However, if you actually read his executive order it guts Obamacare by taking all legal obligations of patient, provider, and insurance company to do anything at all and to be legally obligated to do anything at all. Which means legally Obamacare is only paper and not enforceable by anyone unless Trump changes his mind.

However, I don't think everyone is following what he is saying completely or people would already be dying right and left on Social Media and on TV by the Thousands and it would literally be the end (for 20 or 30 years or permanently of the Republican party in the United States.)

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