Wednesday, February 22, 2017

It's Helpful to Stay Alive

If you want to accomplish anything in a physical body here on earth it's helpful to stay alive.

If you want your children to have you as a parent: It's helpful to stay alive
IF you want to accomplish anything at all: It's helpful to stay alive

Nothing that you want to do can you do if you are not alive here to do it.

People often get so addicted to one thing or another (even if it is a job) that it kills them.

Even studying so much in college you lose your health and die: "Remember, it's helpful to stay alive"

If you want to be there for someone you love: It's helpful to stay alive

So many people get caught up in one thing or another that they die and all is lost that they were trying to accomplish in life.

You can't do anything if you are dead at all. So, remember that.

Whatever you are going to do here on earth you have to do while you are alive. Afterwards it's just too late.

So, unless you stay focused enough to stay alive too, it's all completely meaningless and a waste of your time.

This is especially true when you are young and just want to do everything at once and instead just wind up dead one day.

Being mindful of staying alive while having fun in life is important.

When I talked to God he told me there are really only two sins in life: taking life too seriously and not taking it seriously enough. Either one gets you dead before your time.

By God's Grace

In the end life is a Serious Joke.

If you take it too seriously, you are dead

And if you don't take it seriously enough, you are dead

Understanding this is one of the many keys to life and happiness both in the here and in the hereafter.

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