Friday, February 24, 2017

The Whole Seed Catalog: 2017

This is if you are interested in non-GMO seeds worldwide.

The problem with GMO seeds is that they are genetically designed not to create more seeds. This is done so you HAVE to buy more seeds every year from companies like Monsanto. However, this also could cause an international catastophe at some point in the near or far future where everyone would die after a nuclear holocaust destroyed all GMO companies so there were no seeds of any kind left alive to produce anything people or farm animals actually ate.

So, GMO seeds have the potential of causing the extinction of the whole human race during or after a war that destroys GMO manufacturers worldwide.

This is one reason to avoid GMO seeds at all costs. This is even beyond the fact that GMO seeds grow things that are not natural and often kill people from various plants and animals so altered genetically.

So, it is like plants and animals and fish from another planet that humans were never designed to eat.

Humans have enough problems already just digesting things like Wheat and rice other starches which we never ate before about 15,000 years ago at all. So, humans were not designed originally to eat that stuff either. So, this is why so many people have problems with pasta, bread, etc. in creating weight gain. My doctor says you cannot eat anything with wheat or rice in it at all and you can't eat sugar if you want to stay at a good weight after 40 or 50. You can ONLY eat Meat, fish, whole milk, (not the 2% which will actually cause you to gain weight).

And you can eat vegetables and fruit usually too (Unless you are diabetic then you have to be careful of anything with fructose or sugar or anything like wheat or rice that converts to sugar which actually makes you fat or even kills you if you are diabetic.

So, the Whole Seed Catalog is for people who want to grow their own NON-GMO fruits and vegetables worldwide and then to harvest their own seeds for replanting or to give or sell those seeds to others around the world.

So, this is what the Whole Seed Catalog is all about. I bought I believe at Berryvale in Mt. Shasta this copy of the "Whole Seed Catalog 2017".

  1. Experience the visually stunning 'Whole Seed Catalog' from Baker Creek Heirloom ... The 2017 Whole Seed Catalog ( U.S., Canada, And Mexico) WHS117.
  2. With 355 full-color pages of pure gardening delight, the new Whole Seed Catalog contains the very best of our 2017 heirloom offerings--old favorites and new ...
  3. Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds' giant seed catalog. 356 pages of heirloom seeds and stories of seeds, farms, recipes. ... The Whole Seed Catalog. ORDER NOW ... This will be on our table the entire year until it is replaced w/ the 2017 catalog.
  4. The Whole Seed Catalog From Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds 2017 [Baker Creek] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Whole seed catalog ...
  5. Jan 6, 2014 ... The Whole Seed Catalog This time of year, the joys of outdoor gardening are often reduced to time spent indoors going through seed catalogs.
  6. Nov 13, 2013 ... Amazing new catalog from Baker Creek Seeds! See a quick peek of what it has to offer. Best selection of Rare and Historic seed varieties.

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