Friday, March 10, 2017

The peak of a Technological Singularity is when $1000 buys something equal to all brains on earth

So, if you can imagine what that will be like where $1000 buys some computer device equal literally to the same computing power (intellectually) not necessarily intuitively although I suppose Intuition might be mimicked using various logarithms either already discovered or yet to be discovered possibly based somewhat upon Chaos theory.

For example, the way Trump operates could be equated to Chaos Theory or sometimes is called Crazy Wisdom or the "Wisdom Beyond Knowledge".

For example, his idea to get rid of 2 regulations for every 1 new regulation put into place might be a good idea.

However, if for example, you got rid of people stopping for stopping lights here in the U.S. for some other thing you just would have millions of potential deaths unless people just saw those places like big stop signs.

Then for example, you would so slow down traffic nationwide that nothing at all would get done in cities and everyone who wanted to get somewhere likely would have to take a helicopter to get any where at all in a city.

So, the idea to get rid of 2 regulations for every 1 new on only works if the regulations you are getting rid of aren't important.

So, getting rid of regulations is much harder for most people than making new ones.

But, regulations dam up the streams of life and create floods when those dams break. So, regulations are sort of like Beavers creating potential floods when their dams break all over which can be possible in any given year.

However, back to the subject:

The Subject is what happens when $1000 buys something equal to all humans minds on earth?

Imagine if your Iphone smartphone that is now embedded in your hand or mouth or in your brain by then is equal in processing power to all the minds on earth every second.

What would you be like?

Would you still be human?

This might be important to think about because this is now coming within 10 to 30 years likely.

So, short of a nuke that ends all human life and all life on earth by turning earth into an Asteroid belt you might not be human at the point of a peak Technological Singularity.

(Or at least you would not be considered to be a human being by anyone alive today.)

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