Thursday, June 15, 2017

A Compassionate path is the most powerful path: Why?

When I was growing up a mystical Christian I noticed that people were getting wealthy but often very critical of other religions (even Christian ones and especially people who were of a different color or creed than them. I saw the effects of this as the destruction to one degree or another of people's lives of all races and creeds and sometimes the destruction of even people in that same church who were poorer or less successful than the indirectly or directly critical ones.

I realized this system was not a universal system and instead was faulty in basic ways.

Then I realized that compassion of all beings including oneself was the most powerful and universal path to enlightenment and wealth and happiness.

In a compassionate path the goal is not power over other people like a King might have. Even Buddha was going to become a king and realized this. So, this is a part of the path of the Buddha because he was already a Prince of Lumbini and set to be King when he renounced his throne and became an ascetic and almost starved to death during this period of awakening in his life.

So, compassion towards self and others one sees all beings as ones family or children and one wants what is best for all beings.

So, like in Tibetan Buddhism which I have studied and been initiated into by Tibetan Lamas through empowerment the point is to develop compassion for all beings in the universe so you don't automatically die when you receive Siddhas or supernatural abilities on this path. Because a natural part of the process of the compassionate path is to eventually become so compassionate to oneself and all beings that one becomes relatively immortal in a physical body here on earth and to help all other beings to a state like this so all of earth becomes a compassionate civilized heaven for all beings great and small and this then spreads out to the whole universe over time.

By God's Grace

Note: There are 49,000 correct paths in Tibetan Buddhism which likely covers all compassionate religions on earth. This I found wonderful too.

However, within Buddhism is a hierarchical system but it is different than in Christianity, or Judaism or Islam in that there is no one God over everything. Instead it is a system of Buddhas going up a hierarchical ladder to Vajrasattva (which means Diamond Vow) and Nyema (his consort "wife?").

Vajrasattva and Nyema in some ways I often see as "Mother Father God" in this context by the way. Because their purpose and vow is to not go into the formless realms beyond matter until all beings become enlightened and are free of suffering and rebirth as humans or other types of beings on earth and other planets and dimensions.

So, this is why Christians don't see Buddhism as a religion but rather they see it as a philosophy. Because of this Christians have no conflict with people being Buddhists while also being Christians while also using accupuncture while also doing Hatha Yoga.

Because Buddhism, Hatha Yoga and Accupuncture are seen as philosophies rather than as religions and in fact Hatha Yoga and Accupuncture fall under the definition also of medical practices or even preventative medicine as well as cultural practices in India and China. So, none of these things are directly associated as a religion at least to Christians here in the U.S.

So, for example, there are ministers of Protestant Churches and Priests of Catholic Churches who practice Buddhism, Hatha Yoga (India) and Accupuncture or accupressure (both of the same source: China) with no criticism from any Christian leader anywhere.

Because they are all seen as either medical practices or as a philosophy or both instead of being directly associated with any religion because to Christians religions have to have God as their center to actually be considered to be a religion in the first place.

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