Tuesday, August 29, 2017

One of the problems of going Gluten Free

I suppose from my point of view the best thing about going Gluten free is you might kill the Giardia Protozoa in your intestines who prefer Gluten over everything if you are going gluten free. This might prevent hypothyroid condition or an auto-immune disorder if you are a world traveler like me and haven't totally got rid of your protozoa (which is actually very difficult to do without destroying your liver with bad medicines (except for Tinnaba) which I think you have to get in India because I don't think it is available in the U.S.

But, the biggest problem is that when you go gluten free often you are replacing gluten with rice products. The main problem with this is Rice products convert to a much higher level of blood sugar than gluten products do, so by replacing gluten with rice and other things you actually can be moving yourselves towards Diabetes.

So, yes, you no longer have any muscle pain because that comes from eating Gluten especially over the age of 40 or 50. So, going gluten free means most regular (uninjured) people won't have to take pain killers generally by going gluten free.

However, when I found out I got Pre-diabetes I realized I likely got it by being Gluten Free for 2 years time. So, all the rice based pizza crusts and rice pasta and rice everything else is also likely contributing to you getting diabetes at some point (sooner than otherwise).

So, as a result I immediately stopped being gluten free and went with Gluten (even though I experience pain again in my muscles from eating gluten. But, at least I haven't gone beyond being pre-diabetic and I might (just through diet) might never get full blown type 1 or II diabetes just by controlling my diet.

So, to recap:

Being Gluten Free Might give you diabetes even though it might end muscle pain as well.

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