Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Could Irma, Harvey, Maria and the two Mexico quakes prevent war with North Korea?

If you are an intuitive and understand such things the answer might be maybe. Because like I have said before what creates these things are when masses of fear and anger of life on earth gather into storms or earthquakes or wars. From an intuitive point of view they all look similar to us (at least they do to me). For example, when I have seen earthquakes coming it feels like fear getting more intense until the day the big quake happens. However, Fear and anger are two sides of the same emotions. It's sort of like the "Fight or Flight" response you see in both animals and humans. It's when too much of these emotions get loose in crazy ways into the atmosphere of earth that they manifest as Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Earthquakes and sometimes wars.

For someone who hasn't seen this before like I have this might just sound kind of crazy. But for an intuitive who has seen such things it is no different than looking outside at the weather when you can look up and if it is cold enough with a certain kind of cloud coming in you know it is likely going to snow. It's exactly like this.

So, life has "Weather" like this too in the forming of Earthquakes, hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods  and warfare etc.

The easiest way to understand this is that Earth is a living organism and everything alive on earth is also a part of this living organism Earth too. That's why we call her "Mother Earth" but this is also true of our Galaxy. Maybe we should call our Galaxy "Father Galaxy" like some people call the Sun "Father Sun" and Mother Earth?

But, the Galaxy is also our Mother so maybe we should call her "Mother Galaxy" too.

When I was getting really good at soul traveling in my 20s I went out beyond the Galaxy at one point and this for me was terrifying at the time because I hadn't realized before then that the Galaxy was a living organism and when you soul travel out past the edge of the galaxy it is the Loneliest experience you can ever have because you are then physically separate from the organism you are a part of "Earth and our Galaxy".

I found it so terrifying that I stopped soul traveling for a while until I started meeting Tibetan Lamas who were not afraid of the void past the edge of Galaxies while soul traveling.

Buddha (Gautama Buddha) soul traveled all over this galaxy and likely to other galaxies too. He wrote about this. I read about how some planets had millions and billions of people on them that he visited. This is one of the reasons I got interested in Buddhism because Gautama Buddha had some of the same experiences I have had too even before I got into Tibetan Buddhism at around 30 to 32 years of age.

Note: So when I experience an earthquake coming (sometimes days or weeks before it happens) it is like being afraid of something outside coming that is everywhere. You often don't know for sure whether you are going to survive this or not as it builds because you sense something difficult coming.

But, when the big quake happens the fear goes away dissipated by the power of the earthquake manifesting. I'm thinking if you are around a hurricane it is sort of like this too or a tornado if you are an intuitive who lives near one these things building up and hitting, tearing down trees and taking roofs off and sometimes killing people. Earthquakes are like this to in some ways.

So, once any of these things hit, people are sometimes dead, houses and cars all torn up, trees down, lives destroyed (at least temporarily) and then people pick up their lives who survived it and try to move on with their lives if they can.

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