Friday, September 15, 2017

The internal conflict over North Korea in Japan is historical

There is the ancient Samurai culture in which "Honor demands obliterating North Korea" because of the dishonor of having launched two nuclear missiles over the Japanese Mainland.

Then there is the pacifist culture which arose from the Samurai culture during World WAR II through TOJO that caused the firebombing of Tokyo and many other cities, the refusal to surrender to the United States (even when two cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuked).

So, there is this tug of war between these two historical groups now. Hopefully the solution will be somewhere down the middle between these two extreme points of view neither of which will protect Japan in the present world Sphere of nations. Yes. Japan needs to defend itself once again from North Korea and China for a variety of reasons. But, the extremes of World War II need to not be repeated once again in Japan for both Japan's sake and for the world's sake.

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