Friday, September 15, 2017

The problem with abdominal hernias and Groin Hernias

My hernia caused by a laparoscopic surgery for a burst appendix is presently inoperable but in some ways that is a good thing.


Because after doing enough research I found out that it is almost a 50-50 chance that having your hernia (abdominal hernia) operated on will either be eventually fatal when that ruptures (70% of the time) or cause you permanent pain the rest of your life (20% of the time).

In the old days (pre-1990s) people often just wore a hernia belt and lived with their hernias until they died. My friend's father died at 62 from prostate cancer when he was 19 and wore a hernia belt until he died for example.

In my case as I have done more research I went to a hernia specialist and he told me he would now have to use a 1 foot by 1 foot kevlar screening attached permanently to my stomach muscles with 12 stainless steel clamps. This did not sound like fun to me. I asked if it would sound alarms through airport screening and he said "no" because the metal clamps on one's stomach muscles would be too small.

So, in most countries now they do not perform hernia operations on people with them over age 65 (except in emergencies when it is life threatening) and even then at some point the patient can die from the operation at some point in the future. Mostly the perform operations on younger people who want to "look good" in romantic situations.

So, even though a hernia of my size is unsightly at least it is not in the groin area looking like a man has a boner which a relative of my housekeeper has. So, at least for now getting my hernia operated off is sort of like "Out of the frying pan and into the fire!"

So, it isn't a practical thing to do at this point. However, the problem often becomes the hernia gets bigger over time because it is basically a tear in your stomach muscles. The problem becomes over time if your intestines come out through your stomach muscles and get pinched at one point or another which can be fatal if not treated.

So, one day at a time. Hopefully for me I'm hoping that a better solution to hernias is found eventually in the future than what they have available now is greatly surpassed. In the meantime I'm living with the consequences. But, the consequences for me at least are better than either being in constant pain after an operation or dead as a result of a hernia operation eventually.

A Friend of mine had a hernia operation at a veterans hospital and his tore so it didn't make me want to run out and do the same because I'm still very active in my life.

So, when I ski or ride a motorcycle I wear a weight belt to keep me all in one place for reinforcement sort of the way ancient Roman soldiers wore breastplates to keep their intestines in one place during sword battles as sort of armor.

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