Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Dictator's Learning Curve: A quote

Begin quote: "Rather than forcibly arrest members of a human rights group, today's most effective dspots deploy tax collectors or health inspectors to shut down dissident groups. Laws are written broadly, then used like a scalpel to target the groupss the government deems a threat."

quote by William J. Dodson "The Dictator's Learning Curve": a Book

This was also quoted by Fareed Zacharia on his CNN show GPS this morning.

So, this is now how Putin and now Erdogan and now the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia are using these methods to create their dictatorships.

And I also expect to see more and more of this from Trump as he and White Supremacists try to create a White power dictatorship here in the U.S. You can see it has already begun through everything Trump is doing including paying people off to shut up about many bad things going on. The other way it is done is to deny or to discourage black people and other races from voting in elections.

Corrupting our state department by firing experienced personnel that takes 20 to 30 years to properly train is another way our government is being corrupted in various ways. So, Trump is another potential dictator on the scene trying to destroy our democracy just the way that Putin destroyed the fledgling Russian Democracy and the same way Erdogan is destroying the Turkish democracy.

For example, I firmly believe that Erdogan staged his own coup. I wouldn't put it past Trump to do the same thing here so he could declare martial law as the foundation of Trump's dictatorship too.

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