Saturday, December 30, 2017

True innovation and genius comes from being cross disciplined

In other words the more different fields you understand and study the more likely you will be an innovator of ideas or actually manifested works in life.

Being an innovator is about playfulness and being experimental. This is something that everyone from Benjamin Franklin, to Stephen Jobs, To, Leonardo Da Vinci had in common.

For example, whenever Einstein was stumped on some theoretical or real problem he would go play the violin which often stimulated him to find the answer.

I had this experience too when I had to deal with someone at school in Junior High and High School. I would come home angry from school and play my piano and understand that the people who were problematic in school had much much bigger problems than I did. And over time often those people either dropped out of high school or they self destructed in some way.

So, I was never the problem. Whatever problems they were having were from their own lives and not anything to do with me at all. So, though I might come home from school wanting to load my rifle and end them, as long as I went and played piano often I could see more clearly what was going on.

This is the difference between an intelligent playful person and one who gets stuck and might end their lives or cause someone else to end their life in their teens especially.

If you want to make a difference in the world you have to find a way to survive your childhood and teens or else you are gone.

And often the problem isn't what you think it is at all. You might think you are the problem but most of the time it isn't you at all. Understanding this is an early form of enlightenment in itself which then often leads you to college and other successes in life.

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