Monday, January 15, 2018

Coping with PTSD in your Life

Everyone is dealing with some level of PTSD in their lives. It's just a matter of degree. Why?

We all deal with some kinds of traumas growing up and our coping mechanisms will decide whether we are okay or not out the other end of all this sometime between ages 20 and 30.

There are psychological traumas like watching a relative or close friend die and then there are actual physical traumas like being injured in some way physically.

Whether your traumas are just psychological or both psychological and physical to pretend they are not real is how people become temporarily or permanently dysfunctional.

So, if you want to survive your traumas long term eventually you are going to need to talk to someone about them or else it could damage you permanently in various ways.

One way could be to just video tape yourself talking about what is bothering you and then watching yourself after you do this on the video tape.

By creating this you become two different people (one who is talking on the videotape and the other listening on the video tape.  And this might give you new insights into the traumas you are dealing with and it might give you new ideas in how to begin coping in healthier ways than you are presently.

Whether these methods are going to a priest, or minister or counselor or talking to a friend you trust or however you want to address it, it is very important to deal with these traumas so they don't fester inside of you.

When I originally wroe about ARcane in 1980 what I thought I was doing was writing only for myself a therapeutic form of science fiction to healh some of the dep wounds in my life from my childhood, teens and 20s so I could be freeer in my 30s and the rest of my life in all ways.

And yes, writing this helped me more than I can say.

But, when I got a heart virus and epxected to die and didn't and prepared to die from fall 1998 to May 1999 I realized what I had been actually writing was past life experiences but I couldn't have believed that in 1980 because I didn't undersand the true nature of a soul was NOT limited by time and space then.

Now, I know that souls can manifest in literally any time or space and are not linear in their thinking.

Now I know for sure that my soul has lived thosuands to millions of lifetimes on this and other planets and this is not limited in any way shape or from as I once thought. Instead I see that a soul is sort of like a Sun in the sky with each lifetime being a ray of light from that sun which can literally manifest in any space or time or galaxy or dimension that it wants to manifest into.

So, yes writing this WAS therapeutic but what I know now was it is therapeutic in all lifetimes to have written this and not just in any one lifetime for me (and not just regarding this one).

So, as we go through this lifetime we are also coping with PTSD from past lifetimes and a part of this is the PTSD of changing lifetimes in our awareness as a soul.

So, imagine this: In one lifetime you could be a caveman on this planet. Then your next lifetime you could be a space colonist colonizing mars or some other planet. Then in your next lifetime you might be building the great pyramids and then the next time you might be in England knowing Queen Elizabeth I in Shakespearean times.

So, it's hard to say what your perception of all this would be as a soul.

For example, what if all these lifetimes were lived at once by  your soul?

So, any way we can find to heal ourselves to be functional in this lifetime might be a good idea.

Because there is definitely more to all this than most people presently believe that I have met so far in my life.

Shakespeare said it best: "There are more things in heaven and earth than have ever been thought of in your philosophy, Horatio!"

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