Monday, January 15, 2018

I believe polarization in the U.S. is caused by the End of the American dream

I was reading that the American Dream is alive and well now in Canada but sort of has died in the U.S.

What is the real reason for this?

I think the real reason for the polarization of the U.S. is caused primarily by the fast rising Cost of living.

One of the ONLY things now causing it to not be as bad as it could be likely is: Electric powered cars and hybrids. Otherwise very possibly there would already be blood in the streets. Why?

Because the average person's buying power is going backwards and not forwards. The only people actually getting ahead own either a home in the right place (location location location) or own stocks and everyone else is sort of left out of the prospering upper middle Class to upper class in just some of the states. There are only a few states where enough people are actually making it. Places like Coastal California is one of those places in places like Silicon Valley and tourist spots up and down the Coast from San Diego to the Canadian Border.

But, if you are poor, statistically the best place to get ahead now is Canada, not the U.S.

And this is the anger you feel in America now where the middle class and poor are actually going backwards mostly even with college degrees.


Because if you cannot pay back your student loans you are in deep trouble along the way as far as getting ahead. So, if you take the wrong major, you might not be able to pay back your student loans ever, and then you will be in trouble and not able to get ahead.

However, if you mobilize your education and possibly start your own business then you might be fine.

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