Sunday, January 27, 2019

Happiness Comes from Gratitude

You might say to me: "I have nothing to be grateful for!"

Are you grateful to be alive?
Are you grateful to be able to breathe?
Are you grateful to be able to see?
Are you grateful to be able to hear?
Are you grateful to have friends and relatives?
Are you grateful to be living in the U.S. or whatever country you live in?

Happiness is generated within you first.

And as we grow our own happiness our heaven realms form around us.

And as your heaven realm grows around you others experience it too to a greater or lesser degree if they are capable of this.

Just think of it this way if you want to:

We either create our own heavens around us all the time or we don't.

So, if you want a heaven you need to focus on being grateful.

Otherwise you are creating hell for yourselves.

And I don't think you want to live in hell.

So, I choose to live in heaven by being grateful for each moment of life of being grateful to God for every gift God has given me one by one, by being Grateful for everything God has given me or will give me in the future.

By being Grateful for every moment of life my life becomes a heaven here on earth and beyond earth as well.

Most people don't seem to understand that human beings have no limit. We were designed like this by God and Life and evolution as we have traveled from planet to planet and Galaxy to Galaxy over millions and billions of years in time and space.

There is no limit to what humans are capable of given enough time and space to figure it out. But, unless we create heavens for ourselves what is the point of being alive at all?

By God's Grace

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