Friday, July 13, 2018

text from a friend regarding diabetes

Yes out of the blue in 2014 when I moved back to the U.S.  Four years struggle w/ diet control. Refused big pharma meds. Got worse before better. Of course it's all about your blood sugar levels daily. Plus A1c which is a 3 month screen. Once U go to doctor w high sugar one time you are on record as a diabetic.... no cure. I think if i knew more before i got labeled (incurable) I would have bought a blood sugar finger prick kit set and stayed out of the medical system to avoid irreversible DX. You can research DT2 symptoms to see where you stand.

Big nightmare. Amputations, etc. almost lost a toe- the docs panic and well you know they get money $$ for RXing drugs. don't get me started. Find a wellness coach or dietitian who supports diet control. It can work. Drugs don't work, roller coaster-- and more deaths from too low blood sugars caused by meds.

this is the end of the text quote.

This is from someone who was diagnosed type 2 diabetes I believe in 2014.

I was diagnosed Pre-diabetic in 2015 but have been controlling it and keeping it  there by diet.

I gave up being gluten free because I needed to stop using rice flower which converts to too high a blood sugar ratio. Gluten flours are much less sugar conversion. So, I decided to stay alive and go back to gluten for now. (unless I gave up all breads of any flour and all pizzas of any crust and all cakes of any kind but maybe corn tortillas and then you also have to watch for GMO corn too.

And High Fructose corn syrup is one of the main causes of diabetes in a modern diet by the way.
And on top of this almost all corn syrup is GMO which is another problem on top of this problem.

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