This following internet address is about horses starving mostly in Colorado and Montana.
We seem to be experiencing a perfect storm of problems on earth right now. It has come to the point where nearly everyone on earth is suffering from this terrorist war. Since we entered this terrorist war not with US money but on money borrowed from other nations, America is now the largest and biggest debtor nation on earth. This has sunk the dollar to as low as about 62cents of what is was about 5 years ago. Luckily, it's up to 64cents or more right now. Anyway, the borrowed money, the wars, the dropping dollar, the high price per barrel of oil, the high price of food, the subprime and Global erratic Climate change is causing owners to let their horses loose all over America. You will find them often wandering in the deserts and prairies because the owners have lost their land, or lost their jobs or income or both and can no longer afford the feed their horses and other livestock. So, worldwide now, it is not only people who are starving to death, it is horses and other livestock right here in the U.S.
If you are trying to tow your horse(s), whatever you choose to tow them with likely with trailer attached does not get above 8 to 10 miles per gallon. At 8 miles per gallon and $4 dollars a gallon average that is $1 for every 2 miles driven for gas. You can immediately see why no one much is driving horses anywhere far.
It is ironic that the only thing people will be able to afford to plow with to grow with and still sell their food if gas reaches $20 a gallon is starving to death right now in places like Colorado and Montana. Something to think about, isn't it?
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