Friday, December 19, 2008

Saving the Future part 6


And so Ragna and Jonathan went on talking about stuff they were interested in.

"Ragna?" said Jonathan, "What does this ship run on?"

Ragna said, "It runs directly off the earths magnetosphere and electricity generated by the Earth as it spins."

Jonathan thought a moment and said, "The Nicola Tesla was right!"

Ragna said, "Yes. And he was killed for it too."

Jonathan: "So those rumors are true?"

Ragna said, "Afraid so."

Jonathan: "So even though Nicola Tesla tried to give us free electricity with no middlemen this ship doesn't need a power source other than earth?"

Ragna said, "No. That's not entirely true. If I am both time and space traveling at the same time and going instantly say to another time on another planet or dimension then I use the power here to burst out there and then I use the power from that planet or dimension to burst back here."

Jonathan said, "How much power does it take to move to another planet?"

Ragna said, "First of all this ship is designed for extreme efficiency in the use of energy much like a microprocessor of your times. So to travel to most other times and spaces in the Solar system at least takes about the same electricity as your refrigerator at home uses in one days time over 24 hours."

Jonathan said, "Wow. That's efficient."

Ragna smiled and said, "No. Listen to this. It only takes as much electricity as your home refrigerator uses in three 24 hour periods for me to travel to ANY space and time in this galaxy! Now that's efficient!"

Jonathan could see why Ragna was so proud of the Awesome, his ship(otherwise known as the designation KING 5). It really was an amazing ship and probably more valuable than anything on earth in Jonathan's time. But as soon as Jonathan got out of the ship it would likely return to Ragna's home time.

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