Sunday, June 21, 2009

Lifting, Healing, and protection 2

The moment any human or any being realizes that he or she or it isn't suffering alone, in that instant the path to enlightenment begins if that being makes a commitment to helping others and oneself to try to end their suffering. However, this is only the beginning of the path to enlightenment. This would be like the first day of kindergarten in school.

As one moves forward in the realization of helping oneself and the others around one to lessening and ending their suffering many things begin to happen for it is not an easy path. If it was easy everyone would be like Jesus.

However, it is the path of all those who actually make a difference in the world and who constantly make the world a better place.

My experience of all this was long, amazing and torturous, and at times wonderful beyond belief. 61 years later I'm trying to write of it to lessen the suffering of all others in the universe. Since I was given the gift of precognition of the past, present and future I can actually see past, present and future what my writing accomplishes. I don't just write for the present. If I did I would use a completely different style. NO. I write for the past, present and future because I can experience it. From this perspective I can actually see all beings permanently ending their suffering and becoming blissful. It is so reassuring for me that this happens for all beings at some point. From the most presently evolved human master on earth to the littlest fly or organism on earth, eventually all beings permanently end their suffering as beings, as souls. It is my experience of that that keeps me going.

For those of you having a very difficult time, if you are capable just experience all the love on earth of all beings for all beings. By circling the energy within the love of this it can empower you to stay alive to benefit all beings further.

Many many times in my life I fully expected to die, either through accident or illness. However, just like Arcane I have been resurrected over and over and still the angels come to me and tell me I must live a very long time. Now, sometimes I think to myself, "I'm really tired of being alive. Why should I live on?" But then, somehow, God and angels come to me and show me that there are very few people like me on earth and that I am needed now to help those alive who still have a lot to learn before I go.

In regard to being protected at all times. The best protection is your good works. The more you do to benefit life in all ways the more you will be protected in all ways. This is always a given.

The more you pray for others and help others in all ways the more healing and long life will come into your life and the more wealth naturally comes into your life.

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