Sunday, April 4, 2010

The New and more Secular Easter

When I grew up in the 1950s the United States still perceived itself as a Christian nation. Though there are many areas that still see the U.S. that way it is becoming more and more regional. Since humanism and political correctness came in of necessity as a way to create world harmony and to lessen bloodshed worldwide even though there is likely less blood in the streets most places because of this change, it still feels like the spirit has been sucked out of America in some ways. We were always a Christian nation and if we are no longer a Christian nation then what are we?

Some might say we are a melting pot of the world's nations and it is true we are that. But if we give up being a Christian nation don't we also give up what is best about America? Our benevolence towards the world stems from Christian Brotherhood and now its new child, Humanism. Compassion comes in many flavors, as many as there are philosophies and religions on earth. But the American, U.S. flavor always stemmed directly somehow from Christian Brotherhood and Christian secular points of view. To move away from that now somehow seems to me to be un-American. I think this is why some people are up in arms in the U.S.  They have had to endure just too many changes and feel the baby has been thrown out with the bathwater and want their baby back!

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