Saturday, February 5, 2011

Does the US really want Mubarak to go?

The US has to think strategically because Egypt (like it or not) is the kingpin of the peace strategy that has worked (more or less) since around 1980 in the Middle East. So it would be better said that, "The US MUST be friends with whatever government arrives in Egypt to stay. Otherwise, the US and Israel might be forced to do to Egypt what they did to Iraq. And right now, NO ONE wants that for 1000 reasons or more.

So, whatever the US can do to make sure a stable government  arises that is friends with the US it will do. Though it might prefer a democracy, beggars can't be choosers. After all, this is a matter for Egyptians to work out not Americans. A friendly Egypt is better than another situation like Iraq was for all sides in this last decade.

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