I have a different point of view as to what religion is than most.
If you believe you exist that is part of your religion.
If you are a pragmatist then that is part of your religion.
If you are an optimist then that is part of your religion.
If you believe in science then that is part of your religion.
If you are a Christian then that is part of your religion.
If you are an Atheist then that is part of your religion.
If you believe in democracy then that is part of your religion.
If you think you will live forever or have lived forever then that is part of your religion.
However you perceive reality in all its forms is a part of your religion, Christian, Moslem, Shamanistic, atheistic, agnostic, scientific, music, nature, technology.Whatever you think is real is a part of your everyday perception of life and is your religion. Because in the end religion is whatever you believe in on all levels waking and sleeping and daydreaming. It is all of it and not just a part of it.
So, when people say to me, "Oh. I just go to church on Sundays but I do whatever I want the rest of the week.", I counter with, "I live my religion 24 hours a day every day in every thought, word and action. I have integrity in all my actions. I am not a fragmented person, I am a holistic person who has integrated all my thoughts, words and actions all the time. Am I perfect? Probably not, but at least I'm trying to get to the point where I might be. Besides, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm sure there are people who would meet God and not be impressed because they are just so very fragmented in their lives and incoherent. But that is another story. I personally believe if you can't be your own best friend then likely you won't be around here on earth or anywhere else very long. You can't really like anyone else including God if you don't learn to like yourself first. And you cannot like yourself as long as you are harming yourself or anyone else. This is just human nature and nothing more. So, if you want to like yourself and to like God if and when you meet him or her, then you better learn to be your own best friend. Because that is where it all starts.
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