Monday, August 8, 2011

Writing as Therapy

Very often in life you either don't have someone useful to talk to or you have people to talk to who aren't interested or aren't the right people regarding what you want to talk or speak about. So, since this appears to be 90% or more of the time for most people, writing what you need to work through or get off your chest regarding anything might be useful. It's not that you want to publish all of it because some of it is just too personal in nature. So you might write it and then either burn it or keep it safe somewhere until you need to read it again for some reason. What I write at my blog is a type of ongoing therapy for myself but also a path towards enlightenment both for myself and possible for others if what I say they find useful to their ongoing staying alive kind of experience and looking for enlightenment and happiness ongoing in their lives.

Lately, I have been writing commentaries after posting copies of various kinds of news articles and have been thinking just how overloaded both I and everyone in the world is with the problems of the world now. Though knowing enough to keep one's finances in order and to be aware of what is happening regarding what food is healthy and safe to eat and how safe is one country or another that one is going to travel into, I'm thinking that too much information that no one really can do anything about much just tends to depress everyone including me. So, I'm looking at all this and I'm trying to figure out how to make my blog interesting without overloading people towards a nervous breakdown or something. So, I try to only put things that might be useful to myself or others as much as possible or to add things that might be interesting to others because they are interesting to me personally for one reason or another. In this way one can be hopefully entertained and yet not too overloaded by to many facts about life on earth or beyond. However, it is true that most blogs are sort of like magazines in that a person can pick and choose among the articles or short stories contained therein.

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