Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Mystical Scientist

The best way to describe how I was raised was to become a "Mystical Scientist". Some of my parents heros were Benjamin Franklin, Nicola Tesla(inventor of the alternating current and fluorescent lighting and Tesla Coil and electrifying the ground in many areas), and Francis Bacon who they believed became Saint Germain(the man who never died)(Francis Bacon is the father of the Scientific Method). So, all my life the combination of the Scientific Method combined with a Mystics view of the world was how I was raised. Actually, looking back now I see it as extremely effective. First of all you have the Mystics view which is one of constant wonder and amazement about the Universe and then you apply that wonder and amazement and interest to the universe through the scientific method. So, it doesn't matter what you are studying you are going to be amazed by what you learn. And this wonder and amazement allows ongoing learning to take place within absolutely any subject. One is not locked into any permanent knowledge that might be sacrosanct because the universe as both a mystic and as a scientist can be explored in literally any direction with impunity. Since a mystic sees all beings and things in the universe as inherently sacred, there is a respect for all life, substance and energy that might not be found in others who are not mystics and since the very effective and efficient scientific method which breaks down all concepts into hypotheses, theories and laws depending upon their present or eventual validity or change one is never locked into getting stuck on any subject and therefore able to always deal with the changes in perception and scientific efficiency on any given subject. This allows one to always move forward in all directions. An example of this is everything I write which goes in all directions according to what I find myself interested in in the moment through amazement and wonder. This helps all who use this process move towards long life, health and wealth of every kind. Because this type of wonder and amazement can be in business, science, medicine, health and every other subject and travel the world with you wherever you go exploring any subject in amazement and wonder. So one therefore can move in similar directions of thought and actions to Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci and all the others who always moved forward in a scientific but also in a state of wonder and amazement about the universe.

Though it is true that one must be very brave to face the world and the universe with all its many many paradoxes in almost every direction, still one's wonder and amazement about life never seems to end either. So, in the end there is no wall that one encounters that cannot be climbed or bored through in one way or another if not by you by those who follow you. And so the spirit of the whole human race moves forward never flinching from ultimate truth of every kind. Millions of brave spirits move forward and as we share our knowledge and wisdom we all support each other into perpetuity as the human race discovers in wonder all the secrets that the universe has to offer.

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