Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Someone Like You

Some people walk away and never look back but everyone that I have loved in my life I never stopped loving. But there is loving and there is trusting and those are too different things in the end. You can love someone your whole life even if you never see them again. But if you don't trust them anymore you usually can't be around them. I always envied people who could have relationships with people and break up and still stay friends. I haven't always understood that but I have respected people who could actually do that well. That hasn't been one of my strong suits even though I'm still friends with my first wife but my second wife and I never speak (for at least about 10 years or so now). (My third wife and I have been married since late 1995) But there is love and there is trust and it really doesn't matter how much you might love someone. If you can't trust them anymore then you cannot afford to have them in your life at all. And then there are the loves of your life that you never lived with. And maybe because you didn't have to see them at their worst you still have a really idealistic opinion of them which has to be regarded as a fantasy because it is of necessity unrequited love. In some ways unrequited love is both the very best and the worst because you will never know now where it might have gone but somehow you are haunted by those kinds of love for the rest of your lives.

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