Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The End of the Internet as we Knew it to Be?

I think governments all the way from the U.S. to China are beginning to realize that Governments as we have known them to be and the Internet are NOT compatible. For if you look at Governments of all kinds, the reason that people put up with any of them is that they basically are representatives of the people (whether the people like it or not worldwide). But when you bring a free and immediate expression like the Internet into existence worldwide you create a Real Time Democracy worldwide. And even though Governments as such are not necessarily incompatible with Real Time Democracy, some are.

So, I think what is happening here is that finally media companies that make film, television and music have become organized and upset enough to try to keep their intellectual properties (copyrights) protected through things like SOPA and PIPA. However, I'm sure the supreme Court will also see this as the First Amendment Rights of Free Speech being infringed if those two Bills are passed and they will be thrown out. However, by acting now through real time democracy it is possible to avoid this Supreme Court Controversy which might last until 2020 being worked out. I think it is better to spend the time to develop a more useful solution to the problem of the infringement of intellectual rights through copyright infringement over the Internet. Any realistic person knows that piracy of intellectual property will continue in places like Asia where people aren't generally punished enough for them to stop it in most Asian Countries. The only big exception might be Japan where American laws seem to reach better there. So, mostly what we are talking about in regard to the Internet is: "How can you protect copyright infringement without destroying the Internet?" This really is the question. And the second question is: "How can you protect free Speech over the Internet?" Unless both these questions are addressed in a useful way no one is going to be happy." However, the solution will likely be a very difficult one for everyone concerned worldwide. And since the U.S. is the Backbone of the Internet with most of the Servers scattered throughout the U.S. for it actually to work what happens here will effect the whole world economy and whether it rises or falls universally. The wrong solution will inevitable bring the Second Great Depression Worldwide.

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