Sunday, April 8, 2012

The U.S. has Lower Energy Costs than most Industrial Nations

I learned something new today. The energy costs in the U.S. are lower than Chinas. So, the advantage of China which is lower wages is going away and leaving countries like the U.S. and Brazil in a very good position. The lower energy costs in the U.S. come from several factors. The biggest factor is through Natural Gas which powers most of our electrical power stations. We have at a low cost 75 years of Natural Gas here at low costs because it is found here. 2nd, people are converting to solar energy all over the U.S. and putting solar cells on their roofs and selling that energy back to their power companies. So some people are actually making money doing this rather than paying anything to power companies(after the initial investment of around 30,000 dollars or more to convert to home grown solar power). Third, Wind power is seen more and more on farms and businesses in the country and sometimes even in the suburbs where it is allowed with a permit. 4th people, since the economy is getting better are seeing the wisdom of buying more economical cars, as well as all electric cars and hybrids even in 4 wheel drive vehicles and trucks. So, as a result of all these factors, the U.S. as a manufacturing nation can now compete even with China and oftentimes win.

So, the rising price of gasoline which is about $4.21 a gallon for regular gas here in California isn't the biggest energy cost for the nation. It is actually electrical power to homes and businesses. And in this area we are now more competitive than any other nation on earth.

My source regarding the lower energy costs because of Natural gas is Fareed Zacharia's GPS Sunday Morning on CNN TV

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