Thursday, April 5, 2012

Whether Obamacare passes Supreme Court or Not

I thought it might be important to see the advantages and disadvantages of Obamacare passing the Supreme Court. Also, this might be a moote point because parts of it might still pass without the individual mandate passing the Supreme Court. So, on one level it is difficult to know how this whole thing is going to go. But if it is up or down here are some thoughts.

Negative side if it passes:
On the negative side if it passes if it is administered improperly (likely to be this way eventually) it could be very wasteful just like most government programs.

States might not set up Obamacare and lose funding or just get so angry that they try to secede or something like that.

Positive side if it passes:
It might prevent the eventual bankruptcy of our nation because of uncontrolled healthcare costs.

100s of thousands of people that would have died in the next 10 years will still be alive.

It might actually work for a whole lot of people although there would always be some who are against it.

If it doesn't make it through the Supreme court:

Positive side if it doesn't pass:

States rights and the Commerce Clause won't be as big a question as they were.

Likely 23 or 24 States will Follow the template of Massachusetts for state mandated Healthcare led by states like California and New York and others. And the states will use the same methods and templates laid down by Massachusetts and Obamacare. But it won't be a states rights problem anymore.

Negative side if it doesn't pass:

Thousands of people will die and this will be documented in detail on the news and the Supreme Court and Republicans in general will be blamed for these deaths ad nauseum for the next 6 months to a year or more.

Country could easily go bankrupt from healthcare out of control

And a Constitutional Crisis is bound to Erupt and Obama and the Democratic Party will definitely run against   the Supreme Court like Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1936 and won, and like Truman ran against the Congress in 1948 and barely won against Dewey.

Since I tend to be an Independent myself I am trying to put this in as neutral of terms as possible. Because in the end I want what is best for my country. It doesn't matter to me what party it comes from. I want our country to still be here with its Constitution and Bill of Rights intact hundreds of years from now. So whatever keeps our country free and working I will likely be for. I tend to vote for what is best for my country even if that is not necessarily what is best for me personally.

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