Saturday, October 6, 2012

As an Intuitive: Fine Tuning your Senses

Since this worked for me I believe this could also work for others.

As a child and up into adulthood often it was painful having intuitive experiences. So, as I reached my mid 20s one day I said to God, "God, I just can't deal with or stay balanced seeing everything anymore. It isn't working for me. Can you just show me what I need to know? Because when I see angels they are just so intoxicating that I get too spaced out with Bliss and cannot focus on mundane things I need to get done. And when I see scary things it is too frightening and scary to maintain focus. So, Please God, Just show me what I need to know to do your work!" Amen

So, God answered my prayer and though I often see things that he wishes me to, it is always in perfect sequence with whatever is going on in my life now. So, for example, I will feel something is wrong and know I have to pray for the people in some situation, but at least now I can focus only on what I need to do to make things okay for the most people. Also, I can be aware of angels in the room or around me or protecting me or children nearby. But my awareness of them doesn't space me out or interfere with focused activity. So, God is efficient and compassionate and amazing if you want him to be. Just Ask!

People around the world have different perceptual ways of approaching what I am saying here. For those of you that believing in God is useful for like me, the above approach might work. Or, say, if you have been taught a Buddhist approach it still might work for you with a little or no alteration. In the end even if you are an agnostic or even atheistic intuitive there likely is a variation of what I'm doing here that might be useful to you in fine tuning your senses.

One point of view that some psychologists might agree with is that all states of consciousness from cradle to the grave are states of a type of culturally induced hypnosis. From this point of view our bodies and minds seem to respond to different types of stimuli. So, also from this point of view one might be creating their own reality by asking in a deep way for something to happen. So, maybe this more scientific point of view might be helpful.

What is actually going on will be defined differently by all humans depending upon their previous conditioning and experiences in life. That is a given.  However, this invoking God to fine tune my senses  worked great for me and has made my life amazing ever since in ever increasing ways.

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