Monday, January 28, 2013

Saint Germain

I wrote something else at this title and then meditated on it as I often do about whatever I write and realized there are only maybe 10,000 people on Earth who would fully understand what I was writing about and realized that really wasn't fair to those who are younger than I am, who haven't ever met a Tibetan Lama who was raised in Tibet and came into full adulthood before 1959 when many had to leave Tibet to stay alive and to be able to practice their religion as Tibetan Lamas. So, I decided to delete what I had written out of compassion for those who actually read articles here at my website.

I was writing about Long Life Practices that one can be initiated to do by Tibetan Lamas of various lineages. And I was writing about doing a Padmasambhava Long Life practice and of doing White Tara Long Life practices. If you haven't ever heard of these before then if you are interested they are done by Tibetan Buddhist Lamas, Monks and practitioners to increase their own lifespans and the life spans of others in order for things to go better and smoother in the world, to reduce wars and to make everyone's life better and leading towards full enlightenment and the permanent end of suffering of all beings. When you say "All Beings" this basically means anything that has sentience and is not limited to humans but includes, animals, insects, birds, fish, dolphins, whales, bacteria etc.

However, Human life is considered to be the most precious because only as a human can one reach the ultimate states of enlightenment. So, one prays for beings in all other types of incarnations. However, I have experienced what I call Buddhas in all species at one time or another and it never ceases to be a surprise to me in wonderment when this happens.

For example I have Maha Kala Dogs or "Spiritual Protector Dogs" which not only protect my family from harm by alerting us to danger but also spiritually protect my family as well. And both my wife and I have realized this from when we first got each of our dogs. I found a 17 month old dog that I immediately recognized because it reminded me of the last dog my father had whose name was "King" who was a huge German Shepard Dog. But when my father passed away my mother couldn't handle him and gave him back to my Dad's sister whose puppy he was from her dog, Heidi.

Anyway, the whole point of doing Long Life Practices ties directly in with "Becoming a Buddha like a  King" in order to help all beings as swiftly and efficiently and compassionately as possible into enlightenment.

Many people might not fully understand what "Enlightenment" really means. I think a good way to express it would be to say that an enlightened person is generally very experienced, very wise and very compassionate and usually very psychologically strong.

But how does one become enlightened?

There is a joke you probably have heard about a man and his wife from the western world who travel to the Himalayas to meet a wise man meditating in a cave for years.

They say to him, "Oh Great Teacher, How do we become enlightened?"

The Great Teacher says back, "Good Decisions."

And then they say, "But how does one learn to make good decisions?"

And the Great Teacher says, "Bad Decisions."

And all of us who have survived our teens and twenties can completely relate to this in all ways.

I was very lucky to meet Saint Germain through my parents. And they were lucky to meet Saint Germain through Mr. And Mrs. Ballard. Though Mr. Ballard had passed away in 1939 about 9 years before I was born, I knew Mrs. Ballard as my parents were in charge of  one of her worldwide "I Am" Sanctuaries in Los Angeles from 1954 until 1960 when my mother's father passed on.

So, both Jesus and Saint Germain have always been there for me. The first Heavenly being I saw at age 2 was Arcangel Michael when he came to save me from dying of whooping Cough. Then I had Chicken Pox at age 5 and Jesus came to me and the whole room turned gold as he healed me then. Later I came to know Saint Germain clearly starting at about age 8 or 9. I learned while being forced to sit for hours (up to 4) in church during church services to pour my love to Saint Germain and Jesus through their pictures. Eventually pouring my love to them resulted in them speaking with me anytime I needed answers to questions and this kept me alive through many dangerous adventures through my childhood, teens and twenties. I was always a risk taker because of my relationship with God.

Though my experience of it at the time was being forced by God to ask him to live in my body with me, now at this point I see it more as a commitment I have made to Life long term as a soul to help end the suffering of all beings permanently as a Bodhisattva while incarnating here on Earth for thousands and millions of years in the past, present and future. And strangely enough remembering the future is often as easy as remembering the past and present. Because a soul does not really live in time and space except when it lives in a human body. So time means nothing at all to a soul.

I was also thinking that most of you won't choose to be initiated as Tibetan Buddhist by Tibetan Lamas or won't have the opportunity to do that possibly. So, what I was thinking would be to pray for Long LIfe so you can help your children and friends and everyone you know have better, healthier and safe lives that lead to their enlightenment and to a heaven realm after this physical life is over.

I will try to compose such a prayer but maybe it might be best to make up your own if you can think of a better one. Here is mine:

Dear God, Please assist me in staying healthy of mind, body and spirit so I can help my children and relatives and friends live better lives on into the future. Please extend my life so I can have more time to pray and to help all beings in whatever way you see best. Please protect me and my children from harm so all can do the same as I am doing now on into the future. Amen.

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