To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
Friday, March 22, 2013
Obamacare likely to stay
I'm sure that when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt passed the Social Security act there must have been many upset Republicans then too who tried to repeal it. Just like there are now upset Republicans trying to repeal Obamacare now as well. However, Republicans likely won't succeed in this. The first reason is that it reduces the amount of money going out into healthcare nationwide and makes healthcare a lot more efficient and fair than it ever was before. The second reason it likely will stay is Supreme Court Justice John Roberts. His vote made it likely 75% to 80% or more certain that Obamacare likely would not and likely could not ever be repealed. So, I guess I see Republicans trying to repeal Obamacare as an exercise in futility paid for directly by insurance companies that don't want to be forced to insure everyone which is what they will have to do under Obamacare. So, Republicans trying to repeal Obamacare have been lobbied (with great amounts of money) to try to repeal it. So, it doesn't really matter the real thoughts of Republicans they are bought and paid for by the Insurance companies who don't want to be forced to insure EVERYONE who is a citizen of the U.S.
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