To be capable of full enlightenment and realization it is necessary to be able to experience the whole universe and all time and space as yourself. You might say, "That is what God does." Yes. That's true. However, if God allows you to actually do this then he has work for you. If he doesn't you will die. And the same sorts of people who dare to surf really big waves, jump out of planes with parachutes and sky dive (if they have the correct motivation) can also become fully enlightened if this is their wish to help themselves and all beings in the universe by doing this. So, God, Buddha, Life in the Universe, The Powers that Be are very careful who they let do this and who they let become fully enlightened. However, it is sort of automatic. If you aren't the right sort trying this in the first place you will die or go crazy and then die. So, something inside you will tell you if you are ready for this sort of thing.
Someone once said to me, "Timing is everything!" And I find this to be true. There is the perfect time for a relationship to happen, for example. And often if you are even 5 or 10 seconds too early or late it never happens. The same is true of enlightenment. Timing is everything. If you surf really big waves same thing. To survive a really big wave timing is everything. Same with jumping out of planes. From the moment you leave that plane every second counts and if you miscount the seconds there are no more seconds for you. So, if you think you are a candidate for enlightenment first encompass the whole universe with your mind and awareness.
But remember timing is everything for this too. So choose where and when you do this very carefully.
My experience with this:
I was taught growing up to visualize a force field around me with my God Presence at the top. I listened to a man speak who once was a part of the government of Ghana In the 1970s I believe. He learned to pray for this too. In fact, when there was a coup and his government was overthrown and he was put in front of a firing squad when they shot him the bullets all hit his force field and fell to the ground. They shot at him several times but then realized he was a living saint and let him go. So, he survived to tell his true story in church here in the U.S. later.
So, I knew how to do this whenever I didn't feel safe and this worked. However, once I began to understand more about life I found this sort of confining in some situations. I realized I didn't need to be in literal armor all the time. Sometimes where I was where I felt physically and spiritually safe I wanted something else. I wanted to reach out to the stars and talk to them as an intuitive and as an adept. This was much better when I was in the wilds away from crazy people in cities.(You often need completely different things in the wilds than in cities. It is why so many people die from cities in the wilderness because they aren't experienced enough to survive some situations in the wilderness. Unless someone realizes that there is no one there to rescue them from a big animal, a small angry animal or a crazy human it could be very serious.
But, one of the things (if you are experienced and comfortable) in the wild wilderness is you can slowly completely open your aura to the wildness not only of the wilderness but of the entire universe. And it is here (when you feel safe enough) that you can most easily (encompass the whole Universe with your mind) and of course it will encompass you back like a lover or like God. Both are basically the same. Being embraced by the whole universe and all time and space always brings tears to my eyes. In my soul I AM free. When it is time for you try this. You will never be the same again and your enlightenment will have begun(if it hasn't already).
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