Saturday, August 24, 2013

Jonathan Flow and the Solar Logos

Jonathan: I would like to speak with the Solar Logos in the Sun.
Solar Logos: What is it Jonathan?
Jonathan: I was wondering why I had problems coming back from Hawaii last october 2012?
Solar Logos: We needed you to increase the rate of vibration in your body and we didn't know how to do this other than to scare you a little.
Jonathan: Why was that necessary?
Solar Logos: Because many people are going to die who don't know how to shift their consciousness to a higher frequency.
Jonathan: Is this a natural progression?
Solar Logos: Yes. What is happening is a natural process that all will either adapt to or their bodies won't work anymore.
Jonathan: So, since you want me to still be alive in the future you had to scare me into modifying how I perceived my body and interfaced with it?
Solar Logos: Yes.
Jonathan: And will these present solar flares take a lot of people out of their bodies?
Solar Logos: Yes. That is true. The consciousness of humans on earth has to raise from it's present level for people to be able to live through what is coming next on earth. People who can develop their intuitive senses to know what is coming and as a result of this won't die in various kinds of changes to the earth through water, drought, snow, wind  and earth changes will survive when others won't.

Jonathan: So, the changes are going to get progessively more extreme?
Solar Logos: Yes. There are only so many human lifeforms that the earth can sustain so a balance has to be reached soon for Earth to maintain any life on it at all. Otherwise all humans will go extinct within 1000 years on earth.
Jonathan: So, this change in consciousness isn't just about me it is about all life forms on earth?
Solar Logos: Yes.

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