Thursday, August 29, 2013

Remote Viewing and Soul Travel

I was watching Joe Rogan's program on SyFy channel last night (the episode called "psychic Spies" and it made me think about what the difference actually is between "Remote Viewing" and "Soul Travel".

When you get right down to it the biggest difference is people who remote view may or may not believe in God or souls. So, remote viewing (when I think about it) is more like someone who doesn't necessarily believe in God watching a TV in their mind that shows them something happening somewhere else in the past, present or future. This is how I would define "Remote Viewing".

Whereas Soul Travel might be viewed as someone who either believed in God, Spirit, Reincarnation, souls (definitely souls) or was just spiritual in a Buddhist sense. Spiritual in other words, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

It is true you can do this sort of thing whether you believe in God or not. The problem as I see it is when you go off planet or are around really powerful people or beings doing this. These really powerful beings throughout the universe may not let you live when you are doing this sort of thing off planet or even some places on planet. In other words you might not survive this sort of thing at various points in the universe without compassionate ethics.

Because of this, it isn't the best tool for warfare or war but is a really excellent tool for saving lives (and souls) everywhere.

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