Saturday, August 31, 2013

Yesu or Yeshua

This is actually Jesus' real name in Aramaic his native language which is still spoken today. I don't write about Jesus very much mostly because Jesus tends to be so controversial with so many versions of who he was and what he was, colliding according to different people. Which in the end is difficult because almost no versions of religious Christianity agrees with the actual historical Jesus. Also, as an intuitive I will go into a church and I am often greeted by the Jesus of that church which is the feeling thought form of that church as to who Jesus is rather than the real Jesus that most people wouldn't be able to relate to at all because he might speak Aramaic and see things completely differently than they do now because he lived in a completely different culture than now.

So, there is the real historical Jesus and then there are the many Jesus' that people today have decided to believe in. But, to tell most people what I'm talking about might be too disturbing for most people to deal with. So, usually I don't write this way because often people need to believe what they need to believe and the historical truth wouldn't mean anything to them regarding this anyway.

And this likely isn't limited to Jesus but literally every historical figure in every religion worldwide.

However, if you take it to a level of forgiveness, compassion and the Golden Rule of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Then this is pretty universal through all religions. So, the things religions fight about likely wouldn't even be important to the actual historical religious figures because likely they all could agree on their basic principles.

So, because of this what different religions and sects of different religions fight about likely would be both meaningless and not useful to any of the original religious figures of any religion on earth.

Especially, in any young people who go to college or who take a comparative religion class in High School or college these days, this tends to create either agnosticism or atheism inside them as they look around the world and see religions killing each other through religious terrorists. This makes young people more and more become humanists (which is to take these basic principles into their lives without adhering to any religion at all).

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